The Call of the Infinite
Foundations of Inayatiyya Sufism

Week 3C  August 7th – 13th, 2022
Seminar with Deepa Gulrukh Patel


Let us shake off the facades and return to the infinite. Conditioning is a fact of life, but we don’t have to let it be the whole story. 

There’s no denying our longing for depth, meaning, and beauty. Our desire is evident in the books we read, the podcasts we listen to, where our hearts beg us to explore.

Maybe it was a line of poetry, or an article, a book, or an online meditation, but something sparked an interest in Sufism and Hazrat Inayat Khan. Whatever it was that touched our hearts, we wanted to learn more. Something spoke to us and awakened an interest.

We never know why or how the call comes, but when we feel it, we can’t ignore it. The call might be a whisper in our hearts or a klaxon in our minds, either way, it pulls forward toward a mystery. 

At some point, we have to take action, and at the very least explore the call.

Spiritual paths speak to us. The path of Inayatiyya Sufism often speaks to those who value both tradition and spiritual liberty, to those who value an honoring of the ways of the heart and mind, those who are called to stretch toward the infinite while reveling in the immediacy of the now.

This 5-day retreat will be a transformational exploration of the foundations of Inayatiyya Sufism. Sufism is an ancient tradition that comes in many forms. The Sufism of Hazrat Inayat Khan places a focus on spiritual liberty, the honoring of all traditions, and the primacy of awakening consciousness to ever broader experiences of life’s mystery.