News on our Program 2024

Zenith Seminars in Germany, July 28 – August 10:

We are excited to announce that the Caduceus Center has agreed to host a two-week program with the camp during their usual summer break. This will allow us to come together as a community, experience a rich program, and create a vision for the future of the camp. Please see the general information here, and find the program overview here. All Seminars are booked out! If you’d like to be on the waiting list, please email us at

Winter Online program:

This Winter, our teachers Saki, Fatimabi and Ophiel offered three weeks of wonderful early morning meditations. Nirtan, the Ungan family and Sinan Arat played ecstatic and blissful concerts. We’re grateful for these offerings to our community, for those who came and participated, and for each little donation made. The Recordings of our morning meditations & concerts in January, February and March can be downloaded here.


Leaving Ticino November 2023

Dear Community,

In light of logistical and financial challenges, we’ve made the decision not to proceed with Campra as a location for Zenith Camp this upcoming summer (If this is new to you, you might want to read through Isha’s Newsletter from November 2023, along with Pir Zia’s message). While this marks the end of an era, it also heralds a new chapter for the Camp. As we embark on this journey of re-envisioning, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of Zenith Camp. Stay tuned for upcoming newsletters detailing ways to participate in this collective visioning process. As we navigate the transitions and uncertainties ahead, we feel immensely grateful for your unwavering support and understanding. Donations of every amount are highly appreciated, as we aim to move the camp to a new place, where we can begin anew in 2025. We’ve started a fundraising campaign to cover the costs of our transition away from Campra, which is found here.

We’re happy to announce the Gathering of Love at the campsite around Pentecost, as well as a two-week summer seminar in Northern Germany. We hope that these offerings serve as beacons of light, guiding us through this period of transition and transformation.


“Freedom gives infinite power, it can move mountains.”
– Camp founder Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan