Working Groups

As part of the current restructuring of the Zenith Institute, the organisation’s tasks, both one-time and recurring ones, are being systematically assigned to dedicated working groups. Some working groups are made up of members of the team, board and management, while others are open to anyone who is interested.

This is an initial overview of the working groups. Since the concept was only developed at the 2024 camp, some changes to the structure will still be made, and the flower will change it’s appearance as some projects finish and others take on. Most of the groups are still in the orientation phase, so it is currently being clarified who will lead the group, who will work with them, and how often the group will meet. We are trying to establish regular appointments for most groups. The meetings usually take place online.


This group takes care of the camps material as well as the practical organization of future events. Part of this work involves taking care of the administration and maintenance of our stored materials. Together with the Workcamp group, it plans the practical questions of buildup & takedown and everything that needs prepared for successful logistics in the respective year: What needs to be purchased? Do we have enough tools? Do things need to be fetched from the storage in Bodio? Where will we store the tents afterwards? etc. In essence, this is the over-the-year work that the organizers of the work camp do, currently Nirtan and Nori. When a new location is found, moving the camp will be a question that this group addresses.


This is not a working group that meets regularly at the moment, but rather a summary of the communication activities that take place during and outside of the camp: the regular newsletters, the recently resumed social media work (Agnieszka), and, in the next camp, photography (Amelie), film and content creation (Christian). This also includes reviving the website with content about the workcamp, retreat, staff, team, etc. Nori is currently coordinating these activities. Reach out to him if you’d like to get involved.

Fundraising is a project in its own right, and we have received many offers of help with this. Urs will coordinate this group, please get in contact with the board if you’d like to help.


This group works primarily on the program for next year. Equal consideration of what our teachers have to offer, the wishes of the community, the traditions of the camp, the conditions of the location, cost-effectiveness and sustainability are all factors that need to be taken into account. Organizing the program is a core responsibility of the management, with the team and the board working in collaboration. Would you like to suggest a program or offer one yourself? Then please get in touch with us.

Location Scouting

This group is specifically dedicated to finding a new location for the camp. In 2025, the camp will take place at the Caduceus Center for a second time, which gives us some time to plan our next steps. For  2026, a new, long-term location in the mountains will ideally be found. You can find more details about this search on the Questions & Answers page, questions 22-29. The group currently meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 19.00 CET, and is open to anyone interested. Do you have a possible location or would you like to actively participate in the search? Let us know and we will send you the Zoom link.
Currently involved: Nori, Hayat, Karim Rafi, Nirtan.

Organizational Developement

The task of this group is to find and establish the structures in which Zenith is to operate in the future. The restructuring into working groups, which you see in flower above, is their current project. Urs, Nora, Alia, Karim Rafi, Hayat, Latifa and Nori are currently working here. The group meets monthly on the 4th Monday of the month at 7pm EST on Zoom. Contact us if you would like to join.

A total of eight vision circles were held to find out what the community wants for the future of the camp. The results of these circles are being used as a basis for the realignment of the association and the search for a new location. Isha and Nora were particularly involved in this.

Developing a mission statement for Zenith as an organization is another central task for this winter, with Nori currently working on it.


This group is concerned with the inner qualities of the work camp: How can the enriching and collaborative experience be made possible in new places with different procedures and shorter work camps? How can new people be attracted to the work camp? How is the work camp presented on the homepage? What opportunities are there for long-standing members of the work camp staff?
Currently, some people have already expressed an interest in working here, and Nirtan & Nori are sure to be involved as organizers of the 2025 work camp. No regular date has yet been agreed. If you would like to be contacted about this, please let us know.


The Finance working group is tasked with ensuring that the Zenith Camp operates within a secure financial framework. Zenith is a non-profit organization, but it aims to pay its camp organizers, teachers, musicians and translators fairly. The camp should also build up some reserves to cover one-time expenses such as moving to a new location. All of this requires reliable financial planning, which is summarized in an annual budget for the members of Zenith Institute and approved by them. Karim Rafi as part of the board and the management (Nori) are currently forming this group. We are looking for an accountant for the year 2025. If you have experience in this area and are interested in working with us, please get in touch.

Diversity & Social Justice

Diversity in our community at various levels is as much a topic for this group as gender equality and inclusion. Special support for families and youth work also falls within its domain. Specifically, up to Camp 2025, this group is tasked with establishing a protection concept to increase the safety of all participants from forms of sexual violence.

This group has not yet started. An initial request will be sent to the community of young adults and to individuals working in this field professionally. Are you interested in working on these projects? Let us know!

General Coordination Assembly

The work of the individual groups is coordinated in this central, regular assembly. The respective group leaders report, and major decisions are made here together. Due to the principle of transparency, participation in these meetings should be open to the team, board and everyone involved in a working group. This assembly should not replace the work of the association and its general assembly, but rather deal with practical organizational matters. However, the details are still quite open at this point; more details will emerge when the working groups have started their projects.