The Intimacy of Belonging: A Movement Retreat

The Intimacy of Belonging: A Movement Retreat

A Movement Workshop with Robin Becker
Week 3A, August 6th – 12th, 2023

In the Sufi Tradition, all of creation is considered to be an expression of divine love. From the formation of galaxies to the pulsing cells of the human body, all life forms throughout the cosmos have been shaped by fundamental principles of spiraling fluid movement and intersecting wave patterns. Our bodies are liquid crystalline structures designed to carry, receive and transmit the vibrations of life.

In this workshop, we will investigate how our physical bodies are the embodiment and expression of love deeply linked to an ancient process. We will integrate the somatic practice Continuum in which the body is understood as a boundless process of fluid movement with the perspectives of the Sufi Tradition. Dancing within our form is a mysterious mix of the tangible and the intangible. As we learn to trust and offer attention to the nature of the body, it is through movement that we can directly experience how intimately we belong to life and how we dynamically participate in the unfolding life of the planet.  We also experience the creative possibilities, relationships, and shapes of love emerging, expanding and unfolding as ourselves.

If you are longing for renewal and restoration, please join us for 5 days of embodied inquiry and discovery. This seminar is appropriate and safe for everyone at all levels of movement capacity. No previous movement experience is required:

Robin Becker is a teacher, dancer and choreographer. She has performed with the Martha Graham Dance Company, the Eleo Pomare Dance Company, and with her own dance company of which she has been the artistic director for fifteen years. In the U.S. she has served on the faculties of the Omega Institute, American Ballet Theatre, the High School of the Performing Arts in New York City and Hofstra University. Her work is deeply influenced by twenty years of study within the Sufi Order International, and by Continuum, a visionary field of movement education of which she is an authorized Teacher. Robin has been integrating movement, artistic expression, spirituality and healing throughout her professional career. She leads workshops on creativity and improvisation and is committed to working with people as they seek a deeper connection to life through the body.


Sun - Sat Aug 2023


All Day




Zenith Camp
Zona Campra 1, 6718 Olivone