The Journey into the Essential Being

Week 1D  21st–27th July 2019
Group Retreat with Malik Hirschberg and Batin Hermes

In noble silence, we’ll embark upon an alchemical voyage; walking together along the path of awareness, of peace and of inner mastery. With step-by-step guidance into the forms and depths of the Zikr, the traditional Sufi practice for attaining oneness with God, and supported by physical Hatha yoga exercises, we’ll explore the realms of our own essential being.


Malik Hirschberg

Malik Hirschberg is a retreat guide and representative of the Inayati Order of Austria and has responsibility for the Inayati sufi-centre in Vienna. In hisprofession, Malik is a dentist.

Jane Batin Hermes

Born in 1966, Jane (or Batin) is a retreat guide and leader in the International Inayati order. She has lived and travelled extensively in India and currently abides in Europe where she works as a yoga teacher, art historian, freelance copy-editor/copy-writer, and intercultural and language trainer. She has two sons.