Zenith Institute
The Zenith Summer Camp is held by the Zenith Institute, a non-profit association under Swiss law, whose primary purpose is the annual organization of the Zenith Camp. The association is registered in the Swiss commercial register.
When Zenith Institute was founded in 1988, its purpose and objectives were formulated in relatively general terms: ” To conduct, promote and organize conferences, courses, meetings, seminars and studies based on the practices of the various authentic schools that have developed in and from the world religions”. The statutes also mention educational work and interreligious dialog, with the aim of“spreading an atmosphere of understanding and peace between all religions”.
Before 1988, the camp was organized by the International Sufi Order. At the time the camp moved to Switzerland, the association was founded, thus creating an independent legal form of organization for the camp.
The statutes, updated in 2025, are available for download here.
The board currently consists of Christian Azim Zellmann, Urs Qutbuddin, Alia Kerstin Beger, Nora Holterman ten Hove, Karim-Rafi Peter Hauser and Ginette Scheidegger. The members of the board work on a voluntary basis. Being part of the board means being committed to the Zenith Institute in a special way, representing the association legally and working closely with the team and management.
A general assembly is held annually, at which the members are informed about the development of the association’s goals, in particular the Zenith Camp. Members can contribute their thoughts and opinions and vote on the approval of the board’s actions and the budget.
Anyone who is particularly interested in the Zenith Camp and wishes to support it in an idealistic and advisory sense can become a member. The board responsible for accepting new members. If you have any questions about the association or are interested in becoming a member, please contact the board at this e-mail address: board@zenithinstitute.com