Awakening the Heart
July 20th – 23rd 2020
Group Retreat with Malik Hirschberg and Batin Hermes
In the course of this week we want to dive into the wonderful theme of this year’s Camp. If there is anything to be developed on the spiritual path, it is the quality of the heart. Throughout these days we will try to experience what it really means when the heart becomes so silent and empty that the voice of God transpires. This week might unveil what the feeling, seeing and knowing heart is meant to be. The knowing heart that in realising itself, is transformed into love; a pure heart reflecting the love of God. In noble silence, with Wazaif and Dhikr, we want to devote ourselves to the heart that is love. We will also integrate various yogic practices into the week to support this alchemical process in trying to discover the nature of our true being.
Schedule (Central European Time):
Click here to see which timezone you’re in, and to calculate the time difference to CET (Berlin, Paris).
July 23rd
Details will follow
July 24th
Details will follow
July 25th
Details will follow
July 26th
Details will follow
Malik Hirschberg
Malik Hirschberg is a retreat guide and representative of the Inayati Order of Austria and has responsibility for the Inayati sufi-centre in Vienna. In his profession, Malik is a dentist.
Jane Batin Hermes
Born in 1966, Jane (or Batin) is a retreat guide and leader in the International Inayati order. She has lived and travelled extensively in India and currently abides in Europe where she works as a yoga teacher, art historian, freelance copy-editor/copy-writer, and intercultural and language trainer. She has two sons.