Concert with Hu Dost
August 7th
The music of HuDost weaves a seamless tapestry of Folk World and Rock that renders tears and laughter in listeners cultivating the nameless longing that abides somewhere in all our hearts and invoking total celebration. HuDost recently released a new album ‘of Water + Mercy’ that has received rave reviews and as an independent release reached #24 in the BILLBOARD SALES CHARTS for Folk/Americana. They have performed internationally at hundreds of renowned festivals and performing art centers and their highlight collaborations/opening slots include Ani DiFranco, Philip Glass, Jon Anderson (YES), Joan Osborne, Steve Kilbey (The Church), Neko Case, Jim Lauderdale and many more. It is through music that the losses and gains pains and triumphs and excruciating beauty of life can be given a voice of empathy to the synonymous lives of all people. HuDost are highly engaged activists, doing advocacy work as Congressional District Representatives for ONE (a non-profit organization working to end extreme poverty and, specifically, the sexism of poverty).
Schedule (Central European Time):
8.00pm CET – 9.30pm CET
Click here to see which timezone you’re in, and to calculate the time difference to CET (Berlin, Paris).
To make the Concert as accessible as possible, it is free for all who would like to participate. Once you select the ticket (and optional donation), you’ll then have to fill out your personal information to receive the ticket. We will send the Zoom links in a separate mail before the programme starts.