Early Morning Meditation
July 17th – August 9th 2020
This year, we will offer a daily morning meditation from July 17th – August 9th. The meditations will take place from 06:30am – 7:30am CET.
We will record the meditations and make them available for download, so you can still participate if you’re in a different timezone.
Schedule (Central European Time):
Click here to see which timezone you’re in, and to calculate the time difference to CET (Berlin, Paris).
Week 1, July 17th – 26th: Morning meditation with Malik Hirschberg
Week 2, July 27th – August 2nd: Morning meditation with Sarida Brown
Week 3, August 3rd – 9th: Morning meditation with Saki Lee
To make the morning meditation as accessible as possible, it is free for all who would like to participate, wether for one session or throughout the whole Camp. Once you select the ticket (and optional donation), you’ll then have to fill out your personal information to receive the ticket. We will send the Zoom links in a separate mail the evening before the morning meditation starts.
Malik Hirschberg
Malik Hirschberg is a retreat guide and representative of the Inayati Order of Austria and has responsibility for the Inayati sufi-centre in Vienna. In his profession, Malik is a dentist.
Saki Lee
Saki has been a presence in our Sufi camps since 1974 in Chamonix France. She has served as a retreat and personal guide in the Inayatiyya since 1991, a licensed practitioner of East Asian medicine since 1987 and an accredited conscious aging facilitator with The Institute of Noetic Sciences since 2015. Her passion and joy are to empower people to embody and unfold the fullness of all that they already are.