Retreat with Aziz Dikeulias
Blessed art Thou, teach me how to love You
Retreat with Aziz
Week 4D, August 14th – 20th, 2022
Let the heavens be reflected in the earth, Lord, that the earth may turn into heaven.
– Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan
Murshid talks about “the awakened souls, whose bodies are here, whose hearts are in the spheres of the jinn and whose souls are in the heaven of the angels, who, while on earth, can experience all the planes of existence.”
To live in this space is rather difficult considering the all-consuming turmoil of everyday life, so we take a little time off to retreat, to discover and to reconnect to the essence of our being. Through retreat, we feel the harmony and inspiration of the jinn plane in our hearts and hear the music of the angelic spheres “Saut-i Sarmad” lifting us beyond the worries and limitations of our perceptions of reality.
Here we can accept the gifts and insights of an awareness beyond cause and effect, beyond laws and dogmas, bathed in the light of pure consciousness, love and acceptance of what we were, of what we are becoming and of who we shall be. Ultimately, the measure of “success” in our lives is the degree to which we can open to the love of, and for, the Divine and its manifestation in creation. So, the first and last prayer might be: “Blessed art Thou, teach me how to love You”
This retreat is open to all sincere seekers willing to take a vow of silence for its duration and follow, to the best of one’s ability, the practices shared by the guide, in the alchemical tradition of the Inayatiyya.
Aziz Dikeulias is a senior guide in the Inayati Order and has been guiding retreats since 1984. All sessions will be simultaneously translated into German. If you are interested in joining this journey, please contact him either through Zenith Camp, or directly at: yaaziz@sky.com.
Aziz Dikeulias
Aziz sees retreats as the greatest opportunity to escape the everyday worries of our mostly ego-based lives and have a chance to become conscious of the other dimensions of our being.
Every retreat is new and different according to our inner needs for unfoldment, nothing is or can be wasted and very important seeds are sown into the soil of our heart and soul that unfold in time.
His considerable experience has taught him that one usually has to struggle against one’s conditioning and thought-patterns in the first part of the retreat so that one can surrender to the calling of the beloved in the latter part. Both parts are essential and cannot be bypassed.
“As a retreat guide, I walk hand in hand with my charge without judging and full of acceptance and awe at the meaningfulness of it all, privileged to be able to be the midwife of the new birth”.