July 23rd & 30th
Zikr is the practice of remembrance of the Divine.
“The whole manifestation being the phenomenon of sound, the knowledge of sound is the key to the mystery. The knowledge of sound acts as a guide in the maze of names and forms. That is the reason for the great importance attached by the Yogis to mantra yoga which to the Sufis is zikr. There is nothing one cannot accomplish by the power of zikr.” Hazrat Inayat Khan
Please join us for Zikr.
Schedule (Central European Time):
8.00pm CET – 9.00pm CET
Click here to see which timezone you’re in, and to calculate the time difference to CET (Berlin, Paris).
To make the Zikr as accessible as possible, it is free for all who would like to participate, wether for one session or throughout the whole Camp. Once you select the ticket (and optional donation), you’ll then have to fill out your personal information to receive the ticket. We will send the Zoom links in a separate mail before the Zikr starts.