Spiritual Practices – Online
Spiritual Practices – Online
Workshop with Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Cheikh Sufi & Deepa Gulrukh Patel
Week 1A, July 23rd – 29th, 2023
“It is what you practice that is important rather than what the teacher says. The teacher can give you protection. The teacher can say, ‘Yes, it is so, it is my experience also.'”
– Hazrat Inayat Khan
Practice is the substance of the spiritual path. More important than what we believe is what we do. When we walk toward the One, the One runs toward us.
How do we know which practices to take up? How is one to maintain a regular rhythm in practice? How do we keep our practices fresh and living, so they don’t become a mere chore? How do we know when we are ready for a new practice?
In this week of spiritual conversation and contemplation, we will explore the role of spiritual practice in our lives and renew and deepen our commitment to the ways of being that most deeply nourish our hearts and bring us closer to the Friend.
We’re going to make the full silent retreat with Pir Zia available as an online live stream, with recordings being made available quickly & long-term.
Monday – Friday
- 6.30 am – 7.30 pm CET / 0.30 am – 1.30 am EDT: Morning Meditation
- 9.00 am – 12.00 pm CET / 3.00 am – 6.00 am EDT: Morning Session
- 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm CET / 9.00 am – 12.00 pm EDT: Afternoon Session
- 8.00 pm – 9.30 pm CET / 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm EDT: Evening programme
- 6.30 am – 7.30 pm CET / 0.30 am – 1.30 am EDT: Morning Meditation
- 10.00 am – 12:30 pm CET / 4.00 am – 6:30 am EDT: Universal Worship
Streaming Link / Access / Recordings
You will receive the link to our streaming service in a separate mail. If you have any questions or technical issues, please contact info@zenithinstitute.com. In this mail, there will also be a link to the recordings, so that you can catch up on any sessions that you might’ve missed. After the programme, the recordings will be available on a permanent basis.
Pir Zia Inayat Khan carries the Sufi lineage of his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He received his Ph.D. in Religion from Duke University. His books include Saracen Chivalry: Counsels on Valor, Generosity, and the Mystical Quest, Mingled Waters: Sufism and the Mystical Unity of Religions, and Dream Flowers: The Collected Works of Noor Inayat Khan. Pir Zia is president of the Inayatiyya and founder of Suluk Academy. Now based in Richmond, Virginia, he and his family live both in the United States and France.
Deepa Gulrukh Patel is a campaigner and facilitator with a special interest in the arts, interdisciplinary collaboration, contemplation, diversity, and equality: working with organisations like the BBC, ActionAid and the Arts Council of England. Deepa has been a student of the inner life since her teens and is the director of Zenith Camp. She is also currently working with the Helen Storey Foundation on a variety of projects with Syrian refugees in Jordan at the Zaatari Refugee camp. Volunteering is important part of her life; in the UK she is Chair of Tamasha Theatre Company and The Loss Foundation, a charity that supports people bereaved by cancer. In the USA she is an advisor to the New Monastic Foundation.
Cheikh Sufi is a Cheikh of the Mouridiyya Order of Sufis. He studied with, and is a representative of, his master, Serigne Saliou Mbacke. Since 1996 he has traveled eight times to Senegal, West Africa, to study the science of the Inner path, and lived there from 2002-2004 to complete his training. He was made a Cheikh by his Cheikh, Serigne Modou Seck, from the Holy city of Touba in 2016. Cheikh Sufi now lives in New York City.