Strolling in the garden of Love
July 20th – 23rd 2020
Seminar with Zumurrud Butta
Strolling in the garden of love and exploring the most beautiful names of the One Being in poetry and stories, in contemplation and in heartfelt conversation, tracing their presence in sacred scriptures and in our lives.
Schedule (Central European Time):
Click here to see which timezone you’re in, and to calculate the time difference to CET (Berlin, Paris).
July 20th
5.00pm – 6.30pm CET
July 21st
5.00pm – 6.30pm CET
July 22nd
5.00pm – 6.30pm CET
July 23rd
5.00pm – 6.30pm CET
To make the workshops as accessible as possible, we offer three different price ranges. Once you select the ticket, you’ll then have to fill out your personal information and proceed to payment, where you can choose between Credit Card, Paypal and bank transfer. We will send the Zoom links in a separate mail before the seminar starts.
Zumurrud Butta
has been walking the Sufi path for more than twenty years under the guidance of her teachers Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and Pir Zia Inayat Khan. She works closely with Pir Zia and teaches together with him in the Suluk Academy. She has full authorization to transmit the teachings and the initiation lineage.